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Troubleshooting tips - Yahoo, Gmail

If you are facing any issue related email, Yahoo, Gmail. get Troubleshooting tips and solutions here.

How to Add or Create Folders in Gmail–Few Seconds Task

Adding or creating folders in Gmail requires you to follow a few steps by which you can easily access those new folders as per your requirements. But how you can add folders to Gmail is the matter of concern for some users.

For instance, if you’ve no idea or somehow failed to know how you’re going to add folders to Gmail, here, in this post, we have rounded up the steps down.

Add Folders in Gmail

Guidelines to Know How to Create Folders in Your Gmail Account

Step 1: Login to your Gmail account with your email address and password if you’ve not.

Step 2: In the left pane, scroll down and select the “More.”

Step 3: Once you click the “More” option, you will get more options. Scroll down until you get to reach “Create new labels.”

Step 4: Click on “Create new labels” that can be found with the “+” sign.

Step 5: Enter a new label name. You can create a label under the parent label as well.

Step 6: Select the “Create” button to see if the label or folder is set up.

With these easy techniques only at Contactforservice, you can create or add folders to Gmail as many as you want. Hope you like it!

Read more about - problems with gmail not sending emails

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